File #31443: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_058.pdf"


== Friday, February 6 == 37 DAYS PAST 328 TO COME === They Answered Promptly. === A London, Eng., physician writes: "I have found Pepto-Mangan (Gude) an excellent remedy for anemia, the patients on whom I have tried it answering very promptly to its hematinic properties, even after failure of other treatment, and it appears to be an excellent tonic. === Weather Temp. === Very cold this morning wind blowing a perfect hurrycane allday. Started to snow about two this afternoon, then rainy hale. I took the children this morning & to night Melba road home as far as the corner with Olive her & Cecil, then came home a foot the next of the way. I went after Maude & Aunty Maud Thompson, they went & Mrs Clines to a ladies tea. Maudi & Muriel Varden helped wait the tables. bought three courses wheeling good Bill/0 Pollie 6 Nydia 11 {written sideways at right: "Eugene went to {illegible} Stewarts shower"}

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