File #31445: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_060.pdf"


== Pepto-Mangan ("Gude") == is the one unquestionably efficient regenerator of blood vitality which can be taken without danger of irritating or disturbing the digestive functions, by patients of all classes and ages, in all condi-tions due to or complicated by a deficiency in the quality of quantity of the blood. Among its most prominent indicators are: Simple Anemia, Chlorosis, Leukemia, the sec-ondary Anemias of Malaria, Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Bright's Disease, Rickets, Marasmus, La Grippe, Typhoid Fever, Pneumonia, the Exanthemata, etc. It is also of peculiar service as a general appetizer and reconstituent tonic in Convalescence and in condition of vital depre-ciation from any cause. In eleven-ounce bottles only. Never in bulk. Literature and samples upon application. M. J. BREITENBACH CO. New York, U.S.A.

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