== Wednesday, February 11 ==
=== Danger Signals of Cancer-(Continued). ===
(3) Cancer of the lip, mouth or tongue: The danger sign is a wart or sore that will not heal. If appearing after 40, it is practically sure to be a cancer.
(4) Cancer of the skin: The danger sign is a sore on any part of the body, which does not heal, or the rapid increase of growth in a wart or a mole, which may have been present for a long time. If these appear in an individual over 40, they are nearly always cancer.-Childe.
(Concluded second page following.)
Weather Grey Cold Temp
I took the girls to school & went for them. Took Pa to the station. Mr S W Teeple died this morning. John did not come home to night Eugene was sawing for Mr Dance this fournoon, and this afternoon went & had Nydia shod. Aleta & Carl was here & Eugene went with them down to Ed Thompsons to a party with Sheds & Marks. Wheeling good
Nydia 12 - Bill 10. Polly 4.
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