File #31460: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_075.pdf"


== Tuesday, February 17 == 48 DAYS PAST 317 TO COME === Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism. === Elevation of termperature found an early symptom in many cases, especially mild ones. When, in the absence of acute or other tangible disease, there have been loss of weight and augmented nitrogen and phosphoric acid excretion, and when, after adminstration of a thyroid or iodine preparation, there occur the characteristic psychoneurotic and cardiac symptoms of excessive thyroid activity, elevation of temperature is a thyrotoxic phenomenon.--Stern. Weather Temp. Very frosty trees white with frost & cold Pa took I took the girls & Pa went for them. Eugene went to Aylmer & I went as far as Ed Thompsons Boyde went with him there when they came back, we stayed & played games. Pa was down to Sheds. Nothing much doing Bill 5 Polly 5 Nydia 5
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