=== The After- Treatment of La Grippe. ===
In view of the succesive epidemics of La Grippe from year to year since this disease was first introduced or imported into this country , it is reasonable to presume that the infectious condition referred to is now endemic , and that the present winter will prove no exception to the rule in the incidence of a incidence of a disorder which is now world-wide in its distribution. If there is anyone particular feature of La Grippe which is common to almost all cases , it is the distinct and pronounced prostration that follows the subsidence of the acute symptoms.
While authorative opionions may differ as regards the treatment of La Grippe during its febrile or active period , there is no doubt of the essential necessity od supportive and tonic treatment during convalescence. It should be remembered , however that the physician who prescribes a course of tonic , hematinic treatment, without reference to the digestion or gastro-intestinal sufficiency of his patient , is very liable to "strike a snag". The digestive syste of the average "grippe" patient, like his general vital tone, is almost always "below par" and the ordinary iron products are likely to produce gastric irritation and digestive discord genrally. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is particulary serviceable in such an emergency.Its ferruginous content is in readily tolerable and immediately absorbable condition and is assimilated and appropirated without embarresment of digestive vigor or strain upon the asborptive or assimilative functions.When prostration is extreme , it is a good plan to order strychnia, in appropriate dosage, in combination with Pepto-Mangan . There is no surer , safer or more efficent genreal hematinic medication than this.
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