== Wednesday, March 4 ==
=== Post-Septic or Post-Suppurative Anemia ===
requires timely hematogenesis to repair the damage to the blood caused by septic infection and its devitalizing influence. Anemic devitalization is usually quite apparent, if the infection has been at all prolonged. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is both prompt and efficient in blood building therapy and is always well taken, rapidly absorbed and readily tolerated.
Weather Temp.
I took the girls & Aleta, went for them. Clark Marlatt came about noon with the engine and after dinner we cut wood. Lewis run the saw Mr Baker threw away ShedsBo Clarence Carl & Eugene & John put up the wood. Eugene was away John got him some new rubbers & overalls.
Bill 10, Polly 6
I took the girls & Aleta, went for them. Clark Marlatt came about noon with the engine and after dinner we cut wood. Lewis run the saw Mr Baker threw away Sheds