== Thursday, March 5 ==
=== Diagnosis of Brain Abscess. ===
A history of trauma, bronchiectasis, empynema, etc., will prove helpful; while last, but by no means least, a study of the blood for the conventional changes due to existing suppuration should be made. If the abscess is within the cortex, or enveloped by the meninges, changes of the cerebrospinal fluid (i.e., lymphocytosis, increased serum-albumins, microorganisms, pus, etc.) may be anticipated. If the abscess be of sufficient size to alter the intracranial tension, a choked disk may be manifested; or if not quite sufficient to cause this phenomenon, a prechoked disk may be in evidence.N.W. Sharpe; The Journ. Mo. State Med. Assoc.
Weather Warmer Temp.
Sawed wood this morning untill eleven, had their dinners then went down to Bert Tompsons and cut all the afternoon. Eugene went down to Mr Acharts & got a cow. Was ut to Mr. Doltons. Mrs Bingham Anna Marshall was up for the evening. The firls drove themselves to school. I was home all day. Boyde & Mother was here for tea Billy 5 {witten around perimeter of page: "Eveline & Margret was here for {illegible/cut off}"}
Sawed wood this morning untill eleven, had their dinners then went down to Bert Tompsons and cut all the afternoon. Eugene went down to Mr Acharts & got a cow. Was ut to Mr. Doltons. Mrs Bingham Anna Marshall was up for the evening. The firls drove themselves to school. I was home all day. Boyde & Mother was here for tea Billy 5 {witten around perimeter of page: "Eveline & Margret was here for {illegible/cut off}"}