== Sunday, March 8 ==
=== Suited to Every Age. ===
The practical, successful physician does not overlook the fact that Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is readily tolerated by invalids of all classes and all ages. It is always well borne, never disturbs the digestion, does not stain the teeth and is entirely free from constipating action.
Weather Very cold Temp. 6-below
The girls came home with Aleta after Sunday School & then Carl came for tea, he was at Jaffa Sunday School. I was home all day nothing much doing.
Lewis & Bell was here for dinner, Bell & I went to Church, the girlls got dinner, John was to Sheds this morning. Eugene was away to night. Mrs Cox & Evelin & Will Coxes was overBilly 6 Nydia 6Bill 5 Nydia 6
Lewis & Bell was here for dinner, Bell & I went to Church, the girlls got dinner, John was to Sheds this morning. Eugene was away to night. Mrs Cox & Evelin & Will Coxes was over