== Sunday, March 15 ==
=== Pleurisy and Tuberculosis. ===
Every case of "cured" pleurisy should be closely watched for many months after the patient has been actually ill with the disease. It is probably correct to say that considerably more than half such cases develop tuberculosis years after. indeed, Koster, Landouzy and others consider pleurisy with effusion a symptom of existing, though latent tuberculosis. Koster states (Zeitschr, fur klinische Medizin) that in persons over fifteen years of age tuberculosis develops in at least one half the cases after the occurence of idiopathic pleurisy with effusion.
Weather Warm thawing all day Temp.
Maudie & Melba went to Sunday School. Eugene walked down to Boydes & Boyde brought him home and stayed for dinner & supper. John was away all the fournoon. Eggs $2.50 Billy 5. Nydia..6
Maudie & Melba went to Sunday School. Eugene walked down to Boydes & Boyde brought him home and stayed for dinner & supper. John was away all the fournoon. Eggs $2.50 Billy 5. Nydia..6