== Tuesday, March 17 ==
=== Suggestions About Eye Injuries. ===
Simple scrapes, or abrasions of the cornea, with or without the presence of any foreign body, should be carefully looked after because of the danger of infection. The conjunctival sac should be thoroughly cleaned by irrigation, as already suggested. Artyrol is to be dropped into the eye and the sac filled with some sterilized medium such as bichloride vaseline, 1 to 3,000, and a dressing consisting of sterilized pad of gauze applied.--J.A. White; Int. Journ. of Surg.
Weather Thawing Temp.
Very muddy every place, but the roads are good nearly all over & quite dry. Eugene & Maudie have gone over to Mr Kings to a party. I walked to Kingsmill intended to go to St Thomas but missed the train. The boys was drawing hay & splitting wood. I road back from Kingsmill as far as Almas with Mr Dolton. Billy 5 Nydia 8 Polly 3
Very muddy every place, but the roads are good nearly all over & quite dry. Eugene & Maudie have gone over to Mr Kings to a party. I walked to Kingsmill intended to go to St Thomas but missed the train. The boys was drawing hay & splitting wood. I road back from Kingsmill as far as Almas with Mr Dolton. Billy 5 Nydia 8 Polly 3