== Wednesday, March 18 ==
=== The Severer Forms of Anemia ===
Rx. Liq. Potas. Arsen. (Cc. 4.0-8.0) 3i-3ij
Pepto-Mangan (Gude). (Cc.330--original bottle 3xi
M. Sig. Tablespoonful after meals and at bedtime. Children in proportion, according to age. Weather Turned very cold to night Temp.
Maudie & I went to St Thomas this morning. I got me an new silk dress. Maudie took Melba part way then she road the rest of the way with Olive. Lewises was was here when we came home after a barrell of appels. Got the boys some new underware. Got a can of coal oil four gallons at 16 cts a gallon. Eggs $1.20 Billy 8 Polly 2 1/2
Pepto-Mangan (Gude). (Cc.330--original bottle 3xi
M. Sig. Tablespoonful after meals and at bedtime. Children in proportion, according to age. Weather Turned very cold to night Temp.
Maudie & I went to St Thomas this morning. I got me an new silk dress. Maudie took Melba part way then she road the rest of the way with Olive. Lewises was was here when we came home after a barrell of appels. Got the boys some new underware. Got a can of coal oil four gallons at 16 cts a gallon. Eggs $1.20 Billy 8 Polly 2 1/2