== Thursday , March 19 ==
=== Suggestions About Eye Injuries. ===
In wounds of the cornea, the eye should be throughly cleansed , any projecting iris cut off, atropia and argyrol dropped into the eye, and the same sterile dressing applied. If the sclera is wounded , the conjuntiva should be drawn over the wounded and stiched together to protect the contents of the eyeball. We may also in many cases cover wounds of the cornea with a conjuctival flap by the Kuhnt method.--J.A White; Int. Journ. of Surg.
Weather Very cold Temp.
The girls drove themselves to school.Then in the afternoon Maude Thompson & I took Polly and went to Aylmer. John & Shed went to Grandads sale and after Eugene got the chores done, he went also. We was invited to Mrs Clines to a party , but John didn't feel inclined to go so we stayed home Billy 5 Polly 7 1/2 Nyd 4
The girls drove themselves to school.Then in the afternoon Maude Thompson & I took Polly and went to Aylmer. John & Shed went to Grandads sale and after Eugene got the chores done, he went also. We was invited to Mrs Clines to a party , but John didn't feel inclined to go so we stayed home Billy 5 Polly 7 1/2 Nyd 4