File #31503: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_118.pdf"


== Friday, March 20 == 79 DAYS PAST 286 TO COME === Colitis, with Anemic Debility. === An English practitioner, who does not wish his name published, writes as follows: "I received the sample of Pepto-Mangan (Gude) and have used it in a case of colitis with anemic debility, and have found it of benefit in improving the general condition of the patient." Weather Thawed a little but a cold raw wind. Temp.
I took the girls then Maud Thompson and I went for them. I settelled [settled] up with Yovell & Wrong. Tried out my fat & Eugene & I made sausage. May McNielNiel road home as far as Mrs Binghams with us. John went to Kingsmill with a grist. Melba a pair of rubbers. Billy 18 Polly 6 Nydia 12
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