=== Cancer of the Stomach. ===
The following rules are suggested upon which to base a positive diagnosis of cancer of the stomach:
1. If particles of tumor are found (in the wash water or in the tube) which, under the mircoscope, reveal the characteristic picture of a malignant growth.
2. The presence of a more or less large tumor with an uneven surface, belonging to the stomach and associated with dyspeptic symptoms.
3. The presence of a tumor associated with frequent hematemesis.
4. Constant pains, frequent vomiting, ischochymia, emaciation-all these symptoms being quite permanent and not extending over too long a period of time (six months a year).
5. Tumor and ischochymia.
6. Emaciation, ischochymia, presence of latic acid.
7. Constant anorexia and pains, not yielding to treatment, accompanied by frequent small hemorrhages of coffee-ground color. - Dr. M. Einhorn; N. Y. Med. Journal.
=== Well Informed. ===
Little Willie Throop: "Pa, what does the title "Dr." or "Doctor" come from anyway?"
Mr. Throop: "Why, from the Latin word "Dr." or "debtor", used in making out bills, because doctors charge so much, Willie. Latin is a great language. When you wish to know anything in connection witht he languages, always come to your father, Willie." - Brooklyn Eagle.