File #31517: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_132.pdf"


=== The Child That Fails to Thrive === is one of the many troublesome and vexatious clinical puzzles that the family practitioner is called upon to solve. To arrive at any definite determination in regard to the treatment of such a child, a careful physical examination is essential, in order that any of the causes which act reflexly through the nervous system may be properly dealt with - Post-nasal adenoids, a redundant prepuce, ascarides, eye strain, as well as other local irritations, may be more or less responsiblefor the child's backwardness, both mental and physical; constitutional diatheses, such as syphilis, tuberculosis and lithemic states, should also be looked for and intelligently treated. After the discovery and removal of the cause, tonic and reconstituent treatment is almost invariably indicated and among the reconstructives especially adapted to the delicate digestive organs of the undernurtured child, Pepto - Mangan (Gude){In BOLD} is easily first. Its iron and manganese content exists in organo-plastic combination with peptones, and the preparation, as a whole, is so pleasant and readily tolerableas well as immediately and wholly assimilable, that children of all ages take it readily and benefit materially from its corpuscle-building and hemoglobin-contributing power.
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