Causes of Infantile Convulsions.
1. Diseases of high temperature: Insolation meningitis, the exanthemata, pneumonia, and others.
2. Diseases accompanied by vascular stasis: (Pertussis, cardiac diseases, tumors, hydrocephalus).
3. Diseases characterized by anemia and exhaustion: (Loss of blood, diarrhea).
4. Various toxic causes, such as drugs or uremia: (Belladonna, nephritis).
5. Organic central lesions: (Cebral paralysis, or any other lesions of the brain).
6. Presumably organic disturbance of the brain: (Epilepsy).
Peripheral (Reflex).
Intestinal parasites.
Dental irritation.
Foreign bodies in the ear and nose.
Hot baths.
Mental disturbances, such as fright and numerous other causes.-Rotch; Philadelphia Polyclinic.
What's in a Name?
A physician recently opened an office in Chicago, and upon his sign appears the following incongruous announcement:
Deutscher Arzt."