=== Afterwards. ===
During the acute stages of any serious illness, such as typhoid, pneumonia, La Grippe, etc., the attention of the physician is, of course, centered upon the ways and means of conducting the patient through the stress and storm of the disease, into the peaceful harbor of convalescence. In many instances, when this point is reached, the physician is inclined to relax his efforts and, perhaps, fails to appreciate the extent of the general devitalization that has followed the severe systemic infection from which the patient has just recovered. Unless the reparative and restorative forces of Nature and forified and stimulated, a slow and tardy convalescence is apt to supervene. The devitalizing influence of the infectious diseases is exerted principally upon the blood itself, readily absorbable and promptly efficient hematinic is therefore always in order. Pepto - Mangan (Gude) is peculiarly adapted to the needs of the convalescent invaild, because, being palatable and non - irritant, it does not impair the appetite or disturb the digestion. It freedom from constipating effect is another distinct point in its favour.