=== Poisoning by Illuminating Gas. ===
I. First stage, preceding loss of consciousness: 1. Fresh air. 2. Aromatic spirit of ammonia. 3. Effervescent sodium phosphate, to produce eructations and relieve nausea. 4. Oxygen inhalation. 5. Analgesics for headache. 6. Avoidance of violent exertion. - II. Second stage, patient unconscious, but breathing: 1. Howard artificial respiration, rhythmic compression of lower thorax, to assist breathing. 2. Oxygen, preferably under pressure. 3. Camphor, caffeine, digitalis, and strychnine hypodermically. 4. External heat, if indicated. 5. Massage of muscles after aerating lungs. 6. Treatment to be conducted in warm room. 7. If not prompt recovery, venesection and normal saline infusion, or use of "pulmotor." - III. Third stage, patient unconscious and not breathing: 1. Same measures as in preceding stage. 2. Blood transfusion. 3. Artifical respiration by Schafer method, patient prone. - McCombs.
=== Too Common for Her. ===
"So you have decided to call in another doctor?" "I have," was the reply. "The absurdity of the man prescribing linseed-tea and mustard plasters for people of our position!"