The Neglected Therapy of Convalescence.
The physician of education and experience,who keeps in touch with the progress of medicine generally, is well informed as to the treatment of most of the "thousand and one" ills that he is called upon to combat. The diagnosis and treatment of acute conditions, as well as the successful management of the more chronic affections, are subjects which he is constantly investigating and studying. It so happens, however, that after the dangerous shoals of medical navigation have been successfully negotiated and when the crisis or danger point has been passed, the physician is all too liable to relax his vigilance and to allow the patient to convalesce without sufficient attention to the therapeutic details of this important period. While the feeding of the convalescent is of great importance, the medico-tonic treatment is equally essential, in order to improve the appetite, tone the digestive, assimilative and eliminative functions generally and to hasten the time when the patient shall be once more "upon his feet." Among all of the general reconstituent and supportive measures in the therapy of convalescence, none is more essential than the reconstruction of a blood stream of vital integrity and sufficiency.Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is distinctly valuable in this special field, as it furnishes to the more or less devitalized blood the necessary materials (iron and manganese) in such form as to assure their prompt absorption and appropriation. One especial advantage of administering these hematinies in this form, is that digestive disturbance is avoided and constipation is not induced.