Surgical Suggestions.
To account for a chill and pyrexia in a post-operative or post-partum case exclude pneumonia and pyogenic infection before considering malaria. On the other hand, of course, malarial recrudescences are sometimes precipitated by operation and by parturition; and too, it is important to bear in mind that malarial seizures are occasionally marked by vomiting and localized pain and tenderness in appendix region, easily leading to a mistaken diagnosis.-Amer. Journ. of Surg.
The Diaphanous Bostonian.
A specialist in throat troubles was called to treat a Boston lady, who manifested so much interest in his surgical instruments that he explained their use to her. "This laryngoscope." said he, "is fitted with small mirrors and an electric light; the interior of your throat will be seen by me as clearly as the exterior; you would be surprised to know how far down we can see with an instrument of this kind." The Operation over, the lady appeared somwehat agitated.
"Poor girl," said her sister, who was present, "it must have been very painful."
"Oh, no, not that," whispered the Boston lady; "but just as he fixed his instrument in place I remembered I had a hole in my stocking."