The Salt Pack in Rheumatic Gout.
Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson says (Polyclinic) that he knows of no remedy so effectual in getting rid of the irritability and synovial infusion, in connection with rheumatic gout, as the salt pack. This consists of flannel, soaked in a saturated brine of common salt, which is wrapped around the affected joint, covered with oiled silk and a bandage, and kept on the whole night. It should be applied every night until the cure is effected. Med. Record.
Modern.-The Przmbgnzanzki-Zut Reaction.
Tae 10 c.c. of the serum of a Greenland whale, which has been harpooned by a Scotchman, and heat to 32.65C. at a pressure of 32 lbs. to sq. in. To this add 10,000,000 lymphocytes at a tuberculous frog. Incubate for 48 hours at 37C. Prepare a second tube containing 5 c.c. of the cerebrospinal fluid of a cab horse from Northern Hackney, which has had repeated injections (m. v) of hydroxyaminoethyldiamidoortho-B-phenyloxybutric acid. Incubate under similar conditions with 5 c.c. of a suspension of B. coli from a pneumonic rat.
Mix the contents of the two tubes and add the serum of the patient to be investigated. A positive reaction, i.e., agglutination of the B coli and the formation of B-phenyloxybutytric acid. Incubate under similar cona green fluorescent ring of barium oxybutvlorthephenate, will indicate the presence of pseudofibrillary enlargement of the pituitary body.-The Prescriber.