Autumnal Ailments.
The Autumn months constitute the season during which the average practising physician is called upon to treat the following conditions: I. Typhoid Fever,
which is, more often than not, contracted at some unhygienic Summer resort. The patient may return home during the first week or so, with headache, malaise, etc., or the premonitory or primary symptoms may áppear after reaching home. 2. Malarial Infection, in certain sections, which is more than usually rife in the Spring and Fall seasons. 3. The after results of the gastro-intestinal disorders of infants and young children, due to improper feeding, etc., during the heated term. In almost every instance, when the acute symptoms have subsided, a condition of anemia and general devitalization is the final result that constitutes the essential indication for treatment. In convalescence
from all forms of illness resulting in general debility, Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is the one ideal tonic and reconstructive. It not only revitalizes the blood, but also
tones up every physiologic function. It stimulates the appetite, improves the absorptive capacity, increases energy and ambition and restores the blood to its normal condition. It is, thus, a general tonic and reconstituent of marked and certain value.