File #31735: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_350.pdf"


The Peculiar Pallor of the Cheek, Lip and Conjunctiva in Chlorotic Anemia is characteristic and unmistakable It is eloquent testimony of an "IRON HUNGER": An imperative signal of an "IRON-NEED." That Pepto-Mangan("Gude") best satisfies this hunger and supplies this need, is demonstrated by the prompt return of healthy color to skin and mucous membrane. Digestion is not disturbed; constipation does not ensue; the teeth are not injured. Acceptable alike to young and old. M. J. BREITENBACH CO. NEW YORK, U. S. A. Supplied in eleven (11) ounce bottles only. Never sold in bulk. Samples and literature upon request.
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