Bites of Insects.
Neal writes to the China Medical Journal for March, 1912, that he has found the following procedure very useful:
Take one ounce of Epsom salt and dissolve it in one pint of water, wet a bath cloth so that it will not drip and rub the body well all over; do not wipe afterward but dress, and flies, gnats, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes, etc., will never touch you. If one is exposed more than usual, being near water, or in a forest, then make a somewhat stronger solution, wet a cloth and rub the face, neck, ears, and hands well-do not wipe, but allow it to dry; it will leave a fine powder over the surface that the most bloodthirsty insect will not attack. Besides, the solution is healing and cleansing; it will heal the bites, subdue the consequent inflammation, and cure many diseases of the skin.
Exact Obedience.
Bedelia: "Phat are yez doin' takin' the lock off the cupboard dure, Pat? Are yez chrazy?"
Pat: "No, darlint; the dochtor tould me to-day thot I must quit boltin' me food-and I'm goin' to obey insthructions!"-Cincinnati Times-Star.