File #31888: "RosamondMcKenny(Sweet)_1914_503.pdf"


Mella was fourteen to day == Sunday, December 20 == 345 DAYS PAST 11 TO COME === Functional Kidney Test. === The removal of a diseased kidney and the retention of one whose power is inadequate to carry on the normal renal function of the two kidneys is, of course, followed by death. Such a result is almost impossible if a preliminary cysto-scopic examination combined with ureteral catheterication is performed.-Nelson; Lancet-Clinic. === Weather Temp. === A fine day We all evejit, to Churel & them to Mrs M Yeayo for drive. Mrs Thompson & Bayder were there. the girls stayed to tea & went to Lelur eh, John and I came home then went back to blurel & got the girls had a lovely time all day. Polley 10
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