== Saturday, December 26 ==
=== Treatment of Epistaxis ===
The writer endorses Naegeli's method of stopping nose-bleed. With the patient sitting in a chair and the physician standing behind him, the latter places his hands under the patient's lower jaw and occipt and pulls the head firmly upward. The effect is still further increased if the upward traction is accompanied by a maximum flexion of the head backwards. The epistaxis usually ceases in a minute or two.-Ritschl; Muench. Med. Woch.
=== Weather Temp. ===
Very cold 28 below John & Melba & I went to Mrs Lelins for dinner had goose. Aleta & Maude came home this afternoon while we were gone & got Maudies hat as she can go to lehiach with Aleta tomorrow. Teddy was home with his mother for Christmas intends going back to lelicafa tomorrow. John luck a grisl yeeews was here for apples Billey 8 Polley 8