File #32950: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 4.pdf"


January Monday 4 1926 Very mild damp day which took practically all the snow away. Drove sleigh for last time for a while. Didn't get home until late after a very busy morning. Tuesday 5 Damp mild day. Alex drove big truck and helped me peddle from it. Home about one o'clock after having driven big truck until {Ruxle?} change for first time when I delivered in the Upper Town and Flats myself. Cleaned harnesses at night. Wednesday 6 Peddled milk with Geo. Telfers democrat for the first time. Damp raw windy morning with mostly snowstorms. Team started for home while I was in Geo. Inksaters but Lloyd Hooper stopped them at the corner of Warwick. Cleaned brass at night. January Thursday 7 1926 Dandy bright cold day.Up early and away on my route at 7:45 but didnt get home until 12:45 Heavy cold started in on my chest and throat getting worse near night. Ernie Buck had a cold upon his chest so he rubbed it with camphorated oil and went to bed early. Friday 8 Cold frosty morning turning still colder with easterly winds later in the day. Felt pretty tough all day with bad cold on my chest and sore throat. Got some medicine from Dr. Jeffery. Alex helped me with milk route and my bottles. All alone at night as {Birleys?} all went to a party. Started to snow about eleven o'clock. Saturday 9 Snowed very hard until after three so that by morning there was about six or eight inches on the level. Drove new milk sleigh for the first time and Bob came down and drove the team for me. Felt pretty tough in the afternoon so came home and went to bed. Dr. Carey gave 32 Bendemere Guernseys the tuberculin test.
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