File #32968: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 22.pdf"


April Thursday 22 1926 Another fine day with a beautiful night again. Fixed Jean of Bendemere up after supper and retired with memories of the night before. Friday 23 Started my earlier delivery when I got up at 3.30 or there abouts and was home at 11.30. Had my first attempt at sleeping in afternoon Dance at Glenmorris at night and Andrew Telfer offered to take me but I decided to stay home. Saturday 24 Alex wanted me to go to town with him at night but we were late getting through and Mrs Telfer came out for a few minutes. Retired at 9.30. April Sunday 25 1926 Arrived at Barkers at night just as the "Star" from Hamilton was going out the gate. Roscoe was there so we had quite a lively evening as per usual. Didn't get back to Bendemere until 1.30. Monday 26 Took sick at my stomach after Supper and before I got into bed had a real vomit losing all my supper and possibly my dinner. Failed to hear my alarm clock at 3.45 so had to do some stepping when I did get up. Tuesday 27 Felt pretty dizzy at four so slept in till five. My sick stomach took all my ambition away but I managed to keep going and do the milk route myself. Finished chores up at 6.30 so we could get to bed early.
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