File #32974: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 28.pdf"


May Friday 28 1926 Had a big day on my milk route peddling 120 quarts of cow juice. Felt rather tired after the night before so retired early. Saturday 29 Jean and I both had to attend a length meeting of U.F.Y.P.O. directors in the Community Building so didn't get a chance to get a milkshake or have a chat in the Dodge. Sunday 30 Helped Jimmie milk so he could go with me on route. I sure had some time with him. Busy all afternoon working {for? illegible} dairy. Buck, Sidney, and McCrow company came down for a while and I felt so tired at night that I stayed at home for first Sun evening in months. In bed 8.45. May Monday 31 1926 Gave Jean her first ride behind "Dolly of Bendemere" when she took us for a pleasant drive around the block. Spent the last couple of hours of May 1926 listening to the radio. June Tuesday 1 Started another month off right trying to sing and dancing with Jean. Home and in bed at 2.15 but not with out getting caught in the rain which started when I was almost home but later came down heavily. Jim and I drove up to hospital at night to see Samson even if it was raining. Wednesday 2 A fine Spring day. Alex drove truck to Goderich for Geo. Telfer. Andrew, Jimmie, and I went up to Clarence Lees to get ready for play. Rather a busy session and didn't get back until late. Made a record when I peddled 124 quarts.
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