File #32975: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 29.pdf"


June Thursday 3 1926 Up at Lees again at night to continue preparations for the play. Hughie took me down town afterwards to put up poster and maybe we didn't have a fast ride home even if we did have a puncture. Friday 4 The big night. We had a splendid night and a capacity house to see the play which was wonderful. The orchestra was also good. Took in $56.30 at door. Good feed afterwards, made arrangements about removing stage and scenery so didn't get home until 2.30 after Dan and Jean drove us to Galt Road corner in the Dodge. Saturday 5 Jimmie took me that I spoke "bravely" when I acted as chairman at a large gathering for the first time the night before. Busy day for me. Didn't go to town at night but washed the milk wagon etc. until I could hardly see. June Sunday 6 1926 Did the milk route up in 4.55 when Alex said they would wash the bottles if I was back by 11.30. Went up to Jean's in afternoon but it rained just after I got there so we couldnt take any pictures. Dad and Mother and girls arrived home safely after spending the week end in Hamilton. June 6, 1926 will never be forgotten by me as it was then that I had a perfectly wonderful drive with "Jean". Monday 7 Felt great after such a wonderful time the night before and after being home at eleven o'clock. Was home from town at 12.15 considerable earlier than usual. Jimmie, Alex, and I all did book work at night and retired at 9.45. Tuesday 8 Up at 4.15. Made good time on milk route and was home at 12.10. Lovely day with a couple of light showers around noon. Found calf dead in morning and "Dairy Maid" loose with a badly damaged hip.
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