File #32977: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 31.pdf"


June Tuesday 15 1926 Jimmie stamped tickets for me at night and I wrote a letter to Harry Weir. The first letter I had written since January. Wednesday 16 Had a fine time at Eleanor's party playing "Five Hundred" and dancing to music produced on Miss Edward's new piano. Home at 1.30 AM. Thursday 17 Rather tired after night before so was glad when night came. Rained in afternoon. Down to other farm after sheep at night. Jimmie caught three trout and Alex and I went for a boat ride on the fish pond. June Friday 18 1926 Took Jimmie to U.F.Y.P.O. meeting at Maus school with me and we had a queer time singing on way home. Had our first sing-song. Mr. Butcher gave interesting lecture on "How Plants Get Their Food". Had lunch with "Jean". Saturday 19 Drove "Dollie" to town at night and took Charlie and Jimmie with me. Jean and I saw Harold Lloyd in "For Heaven's Sake" at the Capitol Theatre. It sure was a real picture. Sunday 20 Did milk route up in four hours and three quarters. Jim helped me wash up so I was through at 1.15. We both slept for over two hours in afternoon. Uncle Art and Aunt Edith were at Barkers at night when I had my fourth meal. A wonderful time and wiped dishes for Jean afterwards.
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