File #32997: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 51.pdf"


October Wednesday 13 1926 A wonderful day for the plowing match Roscoe won first in the amateur class in stubble against 38 competitors. The prize was a $50.00 gold piece. Later his land was judged the fourth best plowed land in stubble for which he received a silver cup. Thursday 14 Saw Jean for a few minutes in front of Dr. Munro's and she told me Dan was to have an operation. Roscoe won third in the open class in sod plowing and defeated Norm. McLeod. Attended play rehearsal at night. Friday 15 Alex arrived home from the National Dairy Show, Detroit about five o'clock at night and told us of some of his experiences in the U.S.A. Mother and Carl went to the plowing match with Deans'. Dan had his operation in the morning. October Saturday 16 1926 Four of us went to town in the "Chevie" at night but came home early. Wet afternoon when Roscoe came down and coached me on plowing in sod field on Vanatter farm. Sunday 17 Sidney, Jimmie, and I went up to the hospital in the afternoon to Dan for a few minutes. Rather late getting up the road at night but Jean and I had a nice time up home and the drive there and back. Showed Jean her ring and tried it on and it fit perfectly. Monday 18 Alex took Bobbie home at night while Jimmie and I drove the truck up home after the plows however we were back early after Jimmie got his dose of M.Y.S. {illegible - life?}
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