File #32998: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 52.pdf"


October Tuesday 19 1926 Up and around early and off to Cainsville to the plowing match. Got along fine even if my team weren't very good at the start. Won 1st and best finish when I defeated third prize amateur at provincial. Roscoe won 2nd and prize for best plow team. Carl won 3rd, John Deans got first and best fiinish. Home at seven and attended practice after supper. Had a chat with Jean during practice over the phone. Wednesday 20 A busy day on milk route answering all the ladies quesstions. Rather a disagreeable afternoon as it snowed. The play "Robert and Mary" went off O.K. and we had a fair crowd even if the weather wasn't very nice. Lunch afterwards and home at 11.20. Thursday 21 Up early and off to Blenheim plowing match at Wolverton. Won first in amateur class and beat crown. Roscoe won 2nd and best finish and best {Gregyebask?}. Carl won 4th and Johnnie Deans 3rd in 19 and under class. Had supper up home and travel Dad's car to Edgars garage. Called up Jean and told her the results. October Friday 22 1926 A wet rainy morning but we started for N. Dumfries plowing match about eight thinking it would clear up. Stopped at Halls and found out match was postponed until next week. Went to Ayr with Jack and got two prizes of day before, then came home and went to work. Paynes were here at night but I retired at 9.30. Saturday 23 Back to my old job again, peddling milk, and was through in good time so got a hair cut before I came home. Busy day cleaning up in the dairy. The rest of the gang went to town at night but I stayed home, had a chat with Jean on the phone and went to roost early. Sunday 24 It rained all morning so that it was rather disagreeable for me peddling milk. Home at 12.45; had dinner then drove up home and went after Jean then got Dad, Mother and the girls and went up to Uncle Art's to celebrate Jean's birthday which is to-morrow. Presented Jean with her engagement ring and she was delighted with it. {Appears to be more writing at bottom of page but it is cut off.}
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