File #32999: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 53.pdf"


October Monday 25 1926 Rather a damp wet morning but I got the milk peddled in fairly good time and called at the hospital to see Dan on the way home. Jean's 25th birthday and although I wasn't with her my heart was. We celebrated it when Jimmie lit the match. Oh. Boy!! Tuesday 26 A busy day on the milk route and didn't get home until after one. Drove the truck up after the cream at night then when I came back, Alex, Roscoe, and I went to town in the "Chevie" got a new battery and went up home after the potato {books?}. Wednesday 27 An ideal Autumn day The men started to dig the potatoes on Bendemere Farm and found that there were quite a few rotten ones. Gave my hand a bad gash when cracked bottle broke on the steam {truck?}. October Thursday 28 1926 Another fine day. The men finished digging the "spuds" Roscoe and I drove truck to Boys Class Banquet in the mission. Lots to eat and a very pleasant evening for us. Home at 10.20. Friday 29 A dandy day for the N. Dumfries plowing match. Long but speedy ride in truck when we went out of our road on way there. Thirty teams plowed so we had lots of opposition. John Deans got 4th, Roscoe 3rd, and Carl and I had seven {illegible word} class. I got $10 00/100 cash for second prize and I expect Carl would get fifth. Went as an old lady to U.F.Y.P.O. masquerade at Cochranes. Great success. Had some swell dances with Jean and a nice time going and coming even if I was rather tired. Saturday 30 Back on milk route again until I don't know how long and had a busy time getting squared around again. Didn't go to town but retired at 9.30.
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