File #33000: "Ernest Buck Diary 1926 54.pdf"


October Sunday 31 1926 A nice bright but cool fall day. Jimmie helped me wash the bottles after dinner then I drove "Dollie" up to Barkers. Watched Jean milk, helped wipe the dishes after supper, and then we had another enoyable drive around the block and Jean told me a secret. November Monday 1 Started November off by putting in a real busy day at my usual work. Worked at my books after supper at night so didn't get to bed until ten o'clock. Tuesday 2 Finished work on my statements in afternoon. At night Roscoe, Alex and I went down to Paynes to listen to the radio. Had a feed of grapes, and chocolates and got warmed up in good shape by their new stove. November Wednesday 3 1926 Had a real nice time when I spent the first week night in ages at Jeans and took Roscoe with me. Threshers were there but we made some candy in the kitchen and I had a few nice dances with Jean. Came home in forty-five minutes as we drove "King" and Roscoe was at the wheel while I slept. Thursday 4 A lovely fall day. Alex went up around Tillsonburg after a new Guernsey heifer and some sheep in the truck and didn't get back until about six o'clock. Lloyd Ross helped me wash up in the afternoon so I got through in good time and helped milk four cows at night. Gave "Dollie" a real cleaning at night. Friday 5 Lloyd helped me peddle milk so I was home in time to eat a bachelor's dinner with Roscoe, Tom, and Alex as the rest of the bunch were away for dinner. Happier than ever after being engaged to "my Bonnie Jean" for two whole months.
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