File #33017: "Ernest Buck Diary 1927 7.pdf"


January Saturday 22 1927 The weather turned colder early in the morning and maybe it wasn't slippery. Maybe my feet didn't ache after being on them the night before and up late. Had a nap after supper then woke up and had a bath and retired again at eleven bells. Sunday 23 Roscoe and I drove up home after we had things fixed up in the dairy. Helped Jean milk and had supper with her. Had a pleasant drive up home afterwards and a nice chat with the folks. Stopped in at Barker's on the way home and had a lunch so didn't get home very early. Only three more Sundays to peddle milk. Monday 24 Felt great even if I didn't get much sleep the night before. Alex, Roscoe, and I drove "Dollie" to town at night to see U.F.O. League hockey games. Great sport watching them whack at each other. Dumbries defeated Kitchener 4-0 and {Moyles???} beat Glenmorris 3-2. January Tuesday 25 1927 Another busy day as usual in the dairy. Read a couple of chapters in a book and rolled into bed at ten o'clock so as to get slept up for the next night. Wednesday 26 A terrible frosty morning with the mercury registering 12 below zero. Was home in less than four and a half hours from the time I left as I had to run to keep warm. Froze both my cheeks coming home but I put a scarf over my face and drove up to see Jean just the same arriving there at 9.15. The kiss I received when I left more than repaid me for my cold drive let alone the pie and the nice time I had. Thursday 27 Another cold day with the thermometer registering about the same but moderating considerable before night. It just began to dawn on me that it is only five weeks until my wedding day and I kept wondring from time to time what I would be doing in five weeks time at the same moment.
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