File #33043: "Ernest Buck Diary 1927 33.pdf"


August Monday 8 1927 A very warm muggy day and Dan and I plowed all day with two teams. Pretty heavy going but we had queer fun between rests digging out a big stone and burning a pile of brush. Jean and I had a swell dip in the river before we went to bed. Tuesday 9 Got Dan started on the disc and then I scuffled the mangels with "Gyp" after which Mr Barker and I hilled up the potatoes in both fields. Scuffled 70 rows of corn in upper field with the bay mare in afternoon. Jean and I had a short but pleasant walk together after supper. Wednesday 10 Finished cultivating corn in the upper field before dinner then after dinner we got the binder out and I had my first experience driving a binder on "Calamity Farm" behind Prince, Dollie, & Fly when I cut piece by house and six rounds around {competition?} oats. Got binder twine at Cochranes and some oats up home in the car at night. August Thursday 11 1927 Dan finished the {plowing? word overwritten} in {word too overwitten and blotted} fields while I harrowed for a while and then scuffled the turnips with "Gyp" in 2 hrs & 5 min. Cut grain again in afternoon and I shocked up behind the binder. Friday 12 Doctored some of the sheep up after breakfast and then I had a busy time the rest of the day shocking up oats. Finished cut the prize piee and I finished the shocking after supper. Folks from up home came down for a while and brought Aunt Fern and Walter with them for a visit. Saturday 13 Spent a pleasant morning helping get a sheaf ready for the show. Helped Jean pick 3 baskets of apples after dinner and then harrowed rest of afternoon while Dan & his Dad drew in {some?} show peas and oats. Had a nice time in town at night when Jean & I treated "{her?} Mother" & Cousin Eva to an ice-cream soda.
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