File #33054: "Ernest Buck Diary 1927 44.pdf"


=== MEMORANDA === Bought 11 head of steers from Chas Meggs on July 1. Weight 9310 @ 6 1/2¢ per pound - $605.15. Bought 4 head steers from Hugh Cunningham on July 14. Price $240.00. Bought 9 little pigs from Warren Barker on July 19. Price $42.50. Sold 13 head steers to L. Hyndman on Aug 5/27. Weight 14170 @ 7 1/4¢ less $5.00 --$1022.32-- Fivew little pigs were born on Oct. 14th 1927. Bought 50 Barred Rock pullets from Fred Anderson on Oct. 29/27 --$50.00 Bought 3 tons of oil cake from Robt Geddie, Nov. 21st --$146.75 Taxes for 1927 --$233.33 Paid $30.45 for grain at Guelph Fair. === MEMORANDA === Miss {Herley?} was born on March 15th Blackbird " " " April 30th "Miss Stubby". " " " May 2nd "Eleanor" " " " July 31st "Susanna" " " " Aug 3rd {Nizzes?} White Sox. " " " Oct. 11th Mabel " " " Nov 5th
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