to milk the cow and then she did not give as much as Dad gets. Then I let her go before I took the calf away from the other cow and it scared the calf. Bill rode Old Harry down town for Harry Ansley sent word over at noon that he wanted him back to haul some sand.
Daddy and Dick went over to Bannisters to get some setting hens and I saw a section of an old hollow basswood for a nest. When they came back they told us that Mrs. Liddy had a child and was dead.
It has been very much cooler to-day with a wind in the east.
We left Davie out in the orchard to-night. He seems to be getting over his lonesomeness a little.
Wednesday May 31st
Got up at a fair hour this morning about 6 o'clock.
Right after breakfast Daddy went over to help Frank Vyse spray, and Bill and I went back he to plant corn and I to plant potatoes. We both got through about 10 o'clock and then we started to hook Belle up to the stone boat to draw the brush out of the orchard when we noticed a horse and rider coming up past Mrs. Aruther Battersby's. We then saw that the horse was Old Harry the same which Bill took back last night. We then tried to figure out who the horseman could be. He was so far away we could not tell and he was coming at a very easy walk. As he got nearer Bill said it was Huby and sure enough it was. He reminded one of the pictures in Don Quixote of the little fat man on the knights horse.