Saturday June 10th
After breakfast this morning I went back and hoed the mangles and the corn all morning and most of the after noon. I hoed three rows of corn before dinner and four after. Bill Donald has been harrowing his buckwheat ground to-day and Daddy spreading manure.
Bill, Dick and Quint drove old Harry up to Normandale this after-noon they were going to have a trout fish.
I quit about four and went over and got enough strawberries for tea then I rode Dick's wheel down and left it in the school house porch while I went down to the stump and had a good swim.
After tea we put Ginger and Joe in the orchard and took Davie out. Then we went back to the corn field and put out a few newspapers to scare the crows and then came in and sat around till bedtime.
It has been pretty hot and close all day and threatens rain to-night. Our wheat east of the orchard is full of smut and Bill Donald showed us the hessian fly in it.