File #33070: "Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 15..pdf"


Sunday June 11th Daddy, Enah and I drove Ginger and Joe down this morning, and I went to Sunday School and they went and stayed down at Huby's till church-time. I found a lot of books waiting for me and Miss Battersby was just going to start in on them thinking I had jumped my job. I went to church and drove home with Daddy and Enah afterwards. After dinner we drove out to the Shand's and stayed there all the afternoon. Daddy drove Enah and I me down to Huby's for tea and he went home and stayed there all alone for tea. I went up to church with Enah and Ada but din't go in but went up the beach with Murray. I was to have gone right home with Enah but went down to the dock with Murray and saw a bunch down there and did not get home till nearly ten. It has been extremely hot to-day and threatened a thunder-shower but that is as far as it got. It was a lovely sun-set, and rather queer looking. There was a bunch out in the "Cygnet" to-day including Joe, Murray and some others and when they were coming in they accidentally ran into the "Vigilant" and broke the tiller and Mrs. Roy Silver Thorne hurt her hand quite badly. Monday June 12th Dick and Quint drove old Harry back alone last night. Bill stayed up there and said he thought that Daddy knew he was going to stay although he told him he was coming back last night. This morning Daddy and Enah drove down town in the buggy and stayed all morning. Daddy had to have Joe and Ginger shod and Enah had to do some shopping. I hoed corn till ten o'clock when there came up a terrible thunder storm which started about
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