Thursday June 22nd
His Majesty King George V was crowned to-day and the school and all business places had a holiday, but Dick stayed home and drew all day.
Bill plowed all day, Daddy and I went back and cultivated corn till ten o'clock Joe went a good deal better.
Then I went over and spread manure till noon as Bill had caught up in the plowing. Vyse came over and he and Daddy put the rake to-gether. I got quite a nice bunch of straw berries over in our patch.
After dinner I had a pretty good rest and then went back and hoed potatoes till about 4.30 p.m. I slaughtered a great number of potato bugs. They are chewing The plants all to pieces. I went bare footed with one foot for a while my toe was so sore.
Daddy spread manure till Sam Law came after him to see his cow which he thought was sick. Then he came and told me I could go for a swim and then went and rolled what Bill had plowed and Bill spread manure.
Dick and I went down to the stump and had a dandy swim. The first I have had for nearly two weeks {(Dirt well I guess)?}
Tony Bannister came over in a scow and it sunk before he got over, but he was prepared.
Dick churned after tea and got so much butter that the butter {holder?} would hardly hold it.
It has been and is now hot enough to cook eggs to-day in spite of a nice westerly breeze.