he said he would but never turned up. After dinner I went down to borrow Vyse's ice-cream freezer while Bill Daddy and Huby went over to get a load. When I came back we started to make some ice-cream. Then they came back with the load and I helped mow it away. It had rained a little and looked like more so they decided to wait and see before they went back for another load. Finally they did and just got back at six. Huby did not go but roamed around the farm and I helped Enah put some of the hooks away. Then Huby and I went out and tried to mow a little lawn. The ice-cream was fine and we had some of it for tea.
After tea Dick Huby and I drove Joe down town and went in for a swim Bill and Lila were in too and Bill thought the water was fine
{Margin note}It has not been so hot to-day. There was a cool breeze this morning and the rain moderated the heat as it is quite cool to-night. There have been 33 deaths in Toronto since Sunday from the heat.
Friday July 7th
This was Daddy's birthday and he celebrated by hauling in hay. He, Bill and I went out and Bill raked up and we hauled in a load and put half a load which was weedy in on top of "Tituse's". Old "Physicks" was here working at the pump when we came in and I stayed to help him and Dick. Huby never turned up to-day. Felix stayed to dinner. After dinner Bill went out and started to mow the timothy Daddy and I {....?} greened the spuds and then Daddy whent to relieav Bill while he came up and sharpened the mower knife I peddled the grind stone for him. Daddy stayed out till about eight o'clock Sam Robinson brought the rest of the hay unloading rig to-night. We churned to-day but it was not very good although it was cool and breezy to-day.