File #33114: "Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 59..pdf"


Wednesday July August 2nd This morning the cows got the gate open and ate all the sweet corn and then went into their proper places in the cow stable without doing any more damage excep stepping on some of the radishes and lettuce. I think this was the last blow for the corn. First Joe got at it then Vyse's pigs and the cows have finished it. Mr. Smith and his man both came this morning and they finished the house all but one side about four o'clock. I don't know why he did not do it unless he forgot. Bill and Daddy hauled brick bats from the brick yard all fore noon to put on the stable floor to lay the cement on. They got three loads and Emery and I spread most of them around and did other things out there to get ready for putting in the stalls. This afternoon I went down with Bill to get the brick bats and got two loads by four o'clock. Daddy and Emery put the post for the stalls in while we were gone. After we got the last load off we took Mr. Smith, his man and stuff down to Walt Steels where he is going to paint their house. Bill went up town to get some tar paper for the stable and I went over to Huby's where I found nobody at home and got the bathtub and a couple of planes to bring over here. Then Bill mixed a little cement to fill in some places in the wall and by this time it was tea time. It has been pretty hot all day and rained a little to-night making in very sultry and as the windows are all wet paint we can't open them all fixecated to-night for us. Bill went down town to-night. Hamilton asylum burned yesterday 8 deaths.
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