File #33127: "Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 72..pdf"


Tuesday August 22nd This morning I cleaned up the floor in the other barn and the granaries and also nailed up some rat-holes. I just put the chaff in a big heap on the barn floor. Daddy and Emery fixed some posts that were rotted off over the new stable. Dick churned and got a nice mess of good butter. About ten o'clock, Sam Law got his machine at Vyse's so Daddy went over to help thrash. Emery took the big team back with the plow to start work on the oat stubble and alsike ground for wheat. Belle fell down going down the hill at the end of the lane so Emery took two or three furrows off that which made it much better. We plowed till noon. I plowed a couple of furrows in the easy ground and did not do so badly considering I did not have the wheel on. Old Harry fell down once too at the side of a ditch in where the alsike was. After dinner Daddy came over after me to go and help thrash as they were short handed. Paul Lee Woodson Hugh Bannister and I were in the mow all the time and Daddy helped us now and then. Cass Rankin came over and worked for about five minutes. Dick helped for awhile but found a nest of mice about a day or so old and it took him all his time looking after them he took the home in his hat when he went home for tea. Louis Woodson was running the blower. Mr. Blakie and Old Wells on the stack. Mr. Flemming carraying awaw grain Vyse feeding and Bench other cutting bands besides the three men with the machine. Vyse had {690?} bushles of grain allto gether. We had tea about five o'clock and the worked till dark and finished. I went home soon after six and did the chores Emery helped me. Not too hot to-day.
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