File #33132: "Theobald Toby Barrett Diary 1911 77..pdf"


Friday September 1st This morning Daddy drove Joe down to Walk. Wells to put a blister on his horse. I painted at the rack till he came back and then Kathleen & I drove Joe down to get some meat. We came back by the mill and I went on painting. Daddy went back & plowed. Quint came out and Huby and Earny were out have come while we were down town. They had taken Quints gun and gone all over the farm but not shot any thing. Quint caught one of Huby's white chickens with nice yellow legs and I painted them red which made it look very pretty, but it rubbed most of it off in the grass. Cousin Clare came out this morning and stayed all day. I rode Dick's wheel down and got the mail and took Enah's hit book down to Bessie Lawrie. I gave most of the drive house door a second coat and got the cows about half past five {Margin note] and we milked before tea. About nine o'clock the whole four of us set out for the Shands. Daddy & I saw all over the barn and then went into the house where we found a bunch of young ladies who had been having a card party. We stayed till after eleven and after the others had gone. Daddy got them to fix a night (Tuesday) when he could bring out the Woodson's and Miss Robinson to have some music. Saturday September 2nd I felt a little sick this morning. I think from some plums I ate last night at the Sh{ands}. I painted the rest of the rack and did a few chores around. In the after noon I gave the rest of the stable door a second coat and started to tidy up around the drive house. It got very dark and lighenting vividly Daddy came up with the team. It rained pretty hard but soon stopped. Daddy got ready to go back but it began to sprinkle again so he did not go back all the afternoon. About four o'clock I drove Enah and Kathleen down as Kathleen was going back to-night. We got her suit case at the Tibbets and took her down to the station. After tea Daddy drove down to meet Dick & Roy and I went to sleep about eight o'clock & stayed there till they came. We did not get to bed till midnight and had a great rat hunt just before but did not catch again.
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