File #33571: "Mary McCulloch 1898 Diary 134.pdf"


== Ther. SAT SEPT. 24, 1898 Wea. == This is a cloudy day George and S.A and Well graydon went to Caledon to the funeral of {LR}.Thompson. W.{Limehec} went up last night on the train, so we had all the work to do attending to the houses and cattle and pigs besides all my Saturday work. Jas was up at night == Ther. SUNDAY 25 Wea. == George and S.A came home last night from Caledon. but we did not get down to church as the buggy is not home yet from getting repaired. but the boys and I went to Chelt with Hendersons. we did not have the regular service as it was childrens day
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