another thing to notice is that the girls are thick on the streets and mostly all dolled up and good lookers The weather here is fine just nice to walk around without an over coat. but they say here it is a very cold wave. tired after our trip writing a few cards and going to bed early.
Dec 6th. Had breakfast at Kanes restaurant across the street and then walked down to Canal street and went out to the city park which is three miles out. (the car fare here is 7 cents) out in the residential district the street cars run down the middle of the streets between two rows of trees, mostly oaks which sometimes meet right over the top of the cars. and green grass between the rails, took some snaps in the park of the large oak trees, (supposed to be 1000 years old) with moss on them and some of the little lake with swans on.
{Side note} Distance from Los Angelas to New Orleans 2010 miles.
also got off the car at the cemetery and took a couple of snaps of the tombs. people here buried above ground. as the ground is so low. got home about 1 oclock. had lunch and a rest then went out to get our Reservation. cost us $21.00 for Upper Lower berth & $16.80