Park. it is a nice place. Long Beach. was crowded. all the amusement places all going same as a week day. merry go Rounds side shows. moving pictures Theatres, and a regular Midway had our lunch. while sitting on the beach, walked out on the long pier. saw a sea Bass that was caught yesterday. weighed about 400 lbs. also saw a Devil Fish. caught near there. it had eight arms about 2 feet long all covered. with suckers like a blood sucker. guess it was only a small one. Took a snap from the pier also one in the Park. got home about 5.30 p.m. it was clear & bright all day but very windy & sand blowing
Dec 31st. Fine again this morning went with Dean after dinner to Hollywood, to see the picture. The Ten Commandments at Graumans Million Dollar Egyptian Theatre. It is some Theatre. has a flat roof and has sentrys walking on top in Egyptian Costumes, and a court on the way in. with chariots & statues etc of Pharaoh's time. inside the Girl ushers dressed like Egyptians. The picture was good also. showed the Israelites, in Bondage in Egypt, and their crossing of the desert also the Red sea. and the drowning and destruction of Pharaoh's men and their horses, and their chariots. Second part was in this country showing