Planting time April May & June preferably May. Trees rooted on sown stocks the best Heaters used are about one for each tree, oil costs about 2 or 3 cents a gallon by car loads
Feby 2nd Did not go any place sat around the park, had a talk with a fellow, who has been here since last spring. Has been all over the country, says it is no good for a poor man. and Riverside the worst place of all. taxes high. $500 on 40 acres of grove.
Feby 3rd. Sunday. Mother & Charlotte went to church this morning with Mrs. Brown, in the afternoon we sat out in the Park. was reading in a paper here (Orchard & Farm) that they claim to have a blight proof pear called (Favorita) according to there Catalogue. they grow a lot of the same varieties of apples. plums pears cherries. & peaches. grapes that we grow at home. Ex-President Wilson died this morning at 11.15. He was 68 years old.
Feby 4th. See by this mornings Los Angelas paper, Canada Hockey teams of Toronto, wins championship of the world at Olympic Games in France Beats United States in final game 6 to 1. Canadians Beat Czecho-Slovaki - 30 to 0. Sweden